
Job opportunities for a physicist V

Dear Members,
We will once again host a job event, where you can come and hear stories from physicists that maybe once were, where you are now.
They will tell you about where they are now, how they got there, and what their plans are from here.
The idea is that you can come and get inspired by all the cool things you can do as a physicist. Maybe you'll learn something that's useful to your own career!
There will also be an opportunity to network with other physicists.
The time and place is
15 June at 18:00 in Aud 3 at HCØ.
The speakers will be
Gitte Frydenvang:
Gitte graduated from her masters in geophysics in 2017 and has been working as a data scientist at Ørsted since. Here she does condition monitoring to try and catch faults before they stop their turbines. This happens through collaboration with engineers and technicians to find the best way to use the data available.
Morten Hector Dalhoff:
Morten Graduated from his masters in physics in 2015 and has since then work in the fin-tech industry, first as a BI-consultant and later as a data engineer. Come and hear about his life in finance as a physicist.
So procrastinate from exam revision, grab your friend, and come along!
All the best,
The Board


Job opportunities for a physicist IV

Dear fellow students and alumni,

The Bohr Alumni Association would like to invite you to our fourth event on how you can apply your skills as a physicist after your education.
The event will (ideally) present you with inspiration and information about the cool possibilities that are available for a guy/gal with a physics degree.
So come along, invest in your future, and hear about the skills you didn't know you have!
The concept is similar to the earlier events with three speakers giving talks spanning an array of interesting careers, each for ~30 min.
This year we have:
Birgit, a recruiter, who will tell you all about what they are actually looking for, when they are screening your resume and cover letter.
Jens, an academic, who will tell you more of what a career in academics looks like, and how he has experienced his time as postdoc.
Marie, who is working as a consultant at KPMG, will tell you more about her daily life as a consultant and how she uses her physics skills in the 'real world'.
All talks will be in English. Since the event starts at 18, be sure to take care of dinner beforehand or go hungry. We will be providing some beers to go with the talks for your leisure. Bring your friends, bring yourself and bring the questions you might have about your future. See you there!


Bohr alumni online session, Mathias Luidor Heltberg

Dear everyone,

Bohr alumni association goes online and everyone is welcome to participate!
On Tuesday, May 19th, we will be hosting Mathias Luidor Heltberg (Post Doc. at Biocomplexity on Blegdamsvej) to give a talk on his exiting research applying complex models to solve problems in medicine.
With his Ph.D. "Complex Dynamics in Cell Signalling", he won the best Ph.D. price of 2019, awarded by KU Science.

Titel: "Complex dynamics in cell regulation"
"Life is complex, dynamic, and includes a great variety of components that are interacting in many different ways.
Despite this it seems structured, organized, and is characterized by having well defined responses to a variety of external stresses. To obtain this level of control, cells need to have a fine tuned registration of the surrounding environment and a variety of responses according to the situation. In this presentation I will introduce models of regulation in cells, how dynamics can emerge and how this affects the production and precision in the outcome. It will shed light on some of the most important regulators in living cells and introduce a new way to consider fine tuned signalling in cells."

The session will be broadcast on Zoom:

We introduce the speaker at 19.00, so join a few minutes before.
The session, talk followed by questions, is expected to last 45-60 min.

It is the first time we try this format. If any of you have suggestions/comments, please let us know.

See you in the cloud.


Job opportunities for a physicist III

Dear fellow students and alumni

The Bohr Alumni Association would like to invite you to our third event about how you can apply your skills as a physicist after your education.

The event will take place on the November 19th at 6pm-8pm in auditorium 2 of the H.C. Ørsted Institute, and will (ideally) present you with inspiration and information about the cool possibilities that are available for a guy/gal with a physics degree.
So come along, invest in your future, and hear about the skills you didn't know you have!

The concept is similar to the earlier events with three speakers giving talks spanning an array of interesting careers, each for ~30 min.

We are making final arrangements with the speakers. Updates will be announced here: https://www.facebook.com/events/822426311506161/
And on the Bohr Alumni Association FB page.

All talks will be in English. Since the event starts at 6pm, be sure to take care of dinner beforehand or go hungry. We will be providing some beers to go with the talks for your leisure Bring your friends, bring yourself and bring the questions you might have about your future. See you there!


Dinner and Party

Greetings everyone!

Bohr Alumni will host its first dinner and party and we want to see you at Cafeen?!
The event is twofold:

At 17:30 we organise a mingling event where we provide a welcome-drink and dinner at HCØ. Here we give participants the opportunity to share their career path in order to encourage dialogue about the possibilities that a degree in physics offers. So please feel free to come and share your wisdom and hear the experiences of your fellow alumni. Paying members of the Bohr Alumni join for free while student members and NBI graduates must pay 25 kr to participate.

Around 19:00 we will head down to Cafeen? which we have booked for your pleasure. Come home again with your fellow physicists and you can of course bring your +1's. Members and NBI graduates are also welcome to join the party free of charge during the evening.

If you want to come please fill out:

If you want to become a member of Bohr Alumni, go to
And finally, if you are in doubt of your membership status contact the Alumni Board.

We are looking forward to an amazing party in your company.
See you at Cafeen?
Your board.

Facebook event:


Exploring a Dynamic Past

Hello dear members of the Bohr Alumi association!

We are excited to present our upcoming event "Exploring a Dynamic Past" with speakers Eske Willerslev and Jørgen Peder Steffensen.
The focus of this event is the major changes that have occured to this globe of ours throughout time. Our speakers will address the changes in climate and the effects these have brought to both nature and man.

Professor in biology Eske Willerslev is known for his major contributions to the study of ancient DNA ranging from mammoth to man. Also a renowned speaker and explorer, Eske is widely known for his numerous field studies, mixing science with adventure.

Professor in physics Jørgen Peder Steffensen is NBI's very own trailblazer. His research in climate history is backed by myriads of expeditions from the Arctic to the Anarctic. His contributions to climate research have been crucial for our modern debate and his joyfull nature makes him a formidable speaker.

About the event:
The event will take place on the 13th of June and the plan is as follows:
19:00 - 19:30 - Doors open and reception
19:30 - 20:15 - Talk by Jørgen Peder Steffensen
20 minute break
20:35 - 21:20 - Talk by Eske Willerslev

The event will be held af fest-audiotoriet at Frederiksberg Campus also known as A 1-01.01. The event is open for Bohr alumni members who can also bring a plus one to the event.
Also, participation will be free of charge.

Sign up is here. Please sign up yourself and any plus one:

We will also be joined by our sister association naNoden which is the alumni association for Nano-technologi.

We hope that you are as excited as we are and will sign up.
Looking forward to a great event.

All the best,
Your board

Eske Willerslev and Jørgen Peder Steffensen

Drinks and Chill at Dynamic Past

JP Steffensen Slide


Back to the Origins - By Ricardo Karam

The Bohr Alumni Association invites everyone to join for a talk on the potential of using original sources in physics education by Ricardo Karam.

Ricardo is from the Department of Science Education and is currently teaching the course on History of Physics. He is also starting a new course called History of Quantum Mechanics focusing on reading original articles and dicussing their use in science and education.

If you are considering taking any of the two courses or in general is interested in how we engage and choose science material this is very much a talk for you!
Hope you will join.

Here follows the abstract by Ricardo:
Textbooks are the main sources we use to teach and learn physics.
This is the result of a well-established tradition and no doubt has
many advantages. However, it also makes physics teaching more
distant from the original ideas of the discipline and tends to obscure
their historical genesis. What if we went back to the origins and read the original sources? Could physics students make sense of them, and, more importantly, would they gain something from being confronted with ideas-in-the-making? In this talk, I will present some aspects of the original formulations of Newton’s force, Faraday’s/Maxwell’s lines of force, and Schrödinger’s wave equation. This will enable a specific discussion of what can be learned from each episode, as well as a broader reflection about the advantages (and challenges) of using excerpts from original sources in physics teaching.


Christmas Event

Bohr Alumni association and Kvinder i Fysik (KIF) are proud to present our joined Christmas event. We have the former president of the Tycho Brahe Planetarium, Bjørn Franck Jørgensen, as a speaker. He will tell us all about ancient cultures relation to astronomy and why our festivals are tied up so closely to the heavens. We will also be fielding a quiz on astronomy and culture, and maybe best of all, serving Æbleskiver and Gløgg.

The event will take place on Thursday the 6th of december from 16:00 to 19:00 in the NBI canteen at Blegdams vej 17,

Sign up through this link: https://kvinderifysik.dk/sign-up-events/

Hope to see you there

From the Bohr Alumni


The world outside university: Job opportunities for a physicist

Dear fellow students and alumni

The Bohr Alumni Association would like to invite you to our second event about how you can apply your skills as a physicist in the world outside the university.

The event will take place on the 27th of November from 18:00 to 20:00 in auditorium 3 at the H.C. Ørsted Institute, and will (ideally) present you with inspiration and information about the cool possibilities that are available for a guy/gal with a physics degree. So come along, invest in your future, and hear about the skills you didn't know you have! The concept is similiar to the event we held last year with three speakers giving talks spanning an array of interesting careers.

The talks are in the fields of:

CYBERCRIME by Frederik Treue, a physicist working in the Danish Police’s cybercrime department.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT by Anders Bakke, a recent alumni who is currently hired by Topsil Globalwafers A/S working in FZ PMO (Float Zone Project Management Office) developing monocrystalline Silicium.

TEACHING AND PEDAGOGY by Kim Vedel Pedersen, a physics and maths major who have been teaching at varies high schools and participated in the development of courses and materials for physics education.

All talks will be in English. Since the event starts at 6pm, be sure to take care of dinner beforehand or go hungry. We will be providing some beers to go with the talks for your leisure Bring your friends, bring yourself and bring the questions you might have about your future. See you there!

The world outside university: Job opportunities for a physicist

CYBERCRIME Frederik Treue




Foredrag med Mads Wilson fra Copenhagen Suborbitals

Kære Alumner!

Bohr Alumni Association og Nanode er stolte af at kunne præsentere vores næste event, der går lige i eventyrlysten hos jer alle.

Mads Wilson fra det verdenskendte Copenhagen Suborbitals vil fortælle om deres præstation, at have bygget den hidtil kraftigste amatørraket, der brød lydmuren i 2011. Copenhagen Suborbitals er kendte for at sigte højt og er eksperter i at bringe idéer til virkelighed. De arbejder på at sende et menneske 130 km ud i rummet, så hvis du har lyst til sådan en tur, eller bare gerne vil høre om en masse fed fysik og raketvidenskab, så kom og hør med!

Eventet forgår d. 24/9 kl. 19 i auditorium M på Blegdamsvej. Tag dine 5 bedste venner med og kom i god tid, så I kan nå at få gode pladser og købe gode specialøl.

Vi glæder os til at se jer!
- Bestyrelsen


Dear Alumni!

Bohr Alumni Association and Nanode are proud to present our next event, which is sure to inspire the adventurer in you all.

Mads Wilson of the world renowned Copenhagen Suborbitals will give a talk on their impressive achievement of having built the most powerful amateur rocket to date, which broke the sound barrier in 2011. Copenhagen Suborbitals are well-known for aiming high and are experts in bringing ideas to life. Their goal is to send a human astronaut 130 km into space, so if you feel like you are up for such a ride, or you just want to hear about some cool physics and rocket science, then come along!

The event takes place on 24 September at 19 hours in auditorium M on Blegdamsvej. So grab your 5 best friends and remember to be there in time to get good seats and buy some delicious craft beers.

We look forward to seeing you there!
- The board


Celebration of this year's alumni

Dear students who completed your M.Sc. thesis at NBI in the study year 2017/18,
Dear supervisors,

We would like to invite you to a celebration of all the completed M.Sc. degrees in the past year. The celebration will take place:

H.C. Ørsted Institute, South End

There will be speeches from the Head of Institute, the Head of Studies and the Bohr Alumni Association. And most importantly, there will be a chance to network with other finished students and supervisors.

Celebration of this year's alumni


Udflugt til Barsebäck

Hej alle alumner

Vi vil gerne inviterer jer en tur til Barsebäck. Besøget på barsebäck vil være gratis. Det vil blive d. 5/6, hvilket er grundlovsdag så de fleste skulle have fri denne dag. Da der kun er et begrænset antal pladser, 30, skal man ikke vente for længe med at tilmelde sig. Vi giver mulighed for at man gerne må tage sin familie med, dog skal man være over 14 år for at komme ind på værket. Besøget vil tage 2.5 time og begynde kl 13.00. Hvis I har nogle spørgsmål til værket kan man tilgå hjemmesiden, https://www.barsebackkraft.se/en/, ellers er man mere end velkommen til af kontakte mig.

Værket - Det praktiske:
· Tid: 13.00-15.30
· Dato 5/6-2018
· Adresse: Kraftverksvägen 150, SE-246 57 Barsebäck.
· Man skal have gyldigt billede-ID med.
· Fotografi er forbudt.
· Hvis man har nogle allergier må mange gerne skrive det til mig, da der vil blive serveret en lille snack.
· Man skal være godt gående, da vi skal gå på mange trapper og med en elevator under rundvisningen.
· Hvis man modtager medicinsk radioaktiv behandling, må man desværre ikke deltage I rundvisningen.

Angående transporten har vi valgt at dette skal ske ved en samkørselsordning, da vi rejser over grænser og derved vil busleje være dyrt. Det tager ca 1 time og 7 min. at kører fra blegdamsvej til barsebäck. Vi håber at vi sammen kan finde ud af at få organiseret folk så alle har kørselslejlighed derhen. Betaling, afhentnings sted og - tidspunkt skal koordineres med den man kører med.

Tilmeldingen sker ved af skrive til mig, se mail nederst. Jeg skal modtage følgende informationer, fra alle personer der skal tilmeldes:

· Person/CPR-nummer
· Fornavn
· Efternavn

På selve dagen skal der medbringes pas og/eller kørekort.

Da der kun er et begrænset antal pladser, skal der lige være lidt styring med om man er med eller ej, så det er først når man har fået et 'Du skal med' fra mig, at man er tilmeldt.

Andreas Vedel Jantzen
På vegne af Bohr Alumne Association

Fotograf: Christian Michelsen. Udflugt til Barsebäck.

Fotograf: Christian Michelsen. Udflugt til Barsebäck.

Fotograf: Christian Michelsen. Udflugt til Barsebäck.

Fotograf: Christian Michelsen. Udflugt til Barsebäck.


Science Faction: Arrival + Interstellar


Science Faction er en aften i filmnørderiet og videnskabens tegn.

Til denne aften har vi inviteret en håndfuld videnskabelige eksperter til at diskutere nogle af vores yndlings science fiction film, nemlig Arrival og Interstellar. I løbet af aftenen vil vi blandt andet komme ind på hvorfor sorte huller kan virke som tidsmaskiner, hvordan man decifrerer et komplet ukendt sprog, hvordan og hvornår vi finder liv i rummet, og ikke mindst vil vi forsøge at forestille os, hvordan det føles at være isoleret fra menneskeheden og sin hjemplanet.

Der vil være salg af øl og vin både før og efter hver panel diskussion, og imellem foredragene vil der være en quiz med sci-fi præmier. Arrangementet vil foregå på dansk.

Diskussionen vil tage udgangspunkt i udvalgte klip fra filmene, som vil blive vist undervejs, men VI VIL OPFORDRE TIL AT SE FILMENE INDEN DETTE ARRANGEMENT, DA VI IKKE HOLDER OS TILBAGE FRA AT DISKUTERE HELE HISTORIEN OG SLUTNINGEN!

Sidste år ramte Arrival biograferne til stor glæde for sci-fi fans verden over. I filmen besøges jorden for første gang af højtudviklede rumvæsener, og menneskeheden står pludselig overfor den nærmest umulige opgave det er at kommunikere med de mystiske nyankomne. Til at diskutere filmen har vi inviteret Marie-Louise Lind Sørensen som er sprogforsker ved Københavns Universitet og specialiserer sig i sprogtypologi, samt Diana Juncher, som er PhD i astrobiologi fra Niels Bohr Institutet og sci-fi forfatter.

I 2014 udgav Christopher Nolan mesterværket Interstellar. Filmen følger astronauten Cooper og hans datter, fysikeren Murphy. Cooper tager på en rejse ud i rummet der fører ham gennem ormehuller og tæt forbi sorte huller, og ikke mindst langt, langt væk fra hans familie, og endda hele menneskeheden. To af de store temaer er altså isolation og Einsteins relativitetsteori, og vi har derfor inviteret Hanne Avnegaard, som arbejder som psykolog i det danske forsvar, samt Marieke van Beest, som forsker i alternative tyngdekraftteorier og sorte huller på Niels Bohr Institutet, til at diskutere filmen med hinanden.

Arrangementet præsenteres af Bohr Alumni Association og Space Generation Advisory Council.

Science Faction: Arrival (konferencier: Jophiel Nyman Wiis, astrobiolog: Diana Juncher)

Science Faction: Arrival (konferencier: Jophiel Nyman Wiis, astrobiolog: Diana Juncher, lingvist: Marie-Louise Sørensen)

Science Faction: Interstellar (konferencier: Jophiel Nyman Wiis)

Science Faction: Interstellar (konferencier: Jophiel Nyman Wiis, højenergifysiker: Marieke van Beest, psykolog: Hanne Avnegaard)


The world outside university: Job opportunities for a physicist

Dear fellow students and alumni!

The Bohr Alumni Association would like to invite you (and your friends) to an inspirational evening about how you can apply your skills as a physicist in the world outside the university.

The event will take place on the 20th of February at 6pm-8pm in auditorium 2 (note: there has been a change from aud. 3 to aud. 2!) at the H.C. Ørsted Institute, and will be about all the cool job opportunities we have as physicists.
So come along, invest in your future, and hear about the skills you didn't know you have!

The concept of the evening is to offer you a series of short talks given by alumni from NBI who represent a wide array of interesting careers and jobs that you might never have thought of before.

The talks are on

CYBERCRIME by Frederik Treue, a physicist working in the Danish Police’s cybercrime department.

RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT by Sigrid Skovbo Adsersen, who is a developer at OFS that specialize in optical fiber cable and connectivity solutions.

START-UP by Jonatan Kutchinsky, who has founded and lead several high-tech companies and projects.

SCIENCE COMMUNICATION by Turi Kirstine Schäffer, who has been a science journalist for the Experimentarium/MetroXpress and Illustreret Videnskab (Danish Science Illustrated) and a teacher at Roskilde Gymnasium.

All talks will be in English. Since the event starts at 6pm, be sure to take care of dinner beforehand. As usual, you can buy our craft beers, to go with the evening’s entertainment. Bring your friends, bring yourself and bring the questions you might have about your future. See you there!

The world outside university: Job opportunities for a physicist (Talk by Sigrid Skovbo Adsersen)


Seaborg: Making Nuclear Sustainable

We are excited to invite you to our next event where Seaborg Technologies will come and tells us on how their work in making nuclear power sustainable in the future.
Here is the abstract of the talk:
Killing coal with capitalism (and molten salt reactors) - why, what, and how?Since the beginning of the industrial revolution, cheap and abundant energy has transformed and developed Western societies beyond anyone's wildest imagination. Now the developing world is next in line, albeit with drastically fewer tools at their disposal. The long-buried hydrocarbons that fuel human civilisation have come at a price, including rising sea levels, longer and more severe draughts, intensifying extreme weather, and acidifying oceans. With the worst yet to come, it is clear they must be avoided. Something has to change.Seaborg Technologies is a small company working to usher in this change. Seaborg develops advanced, next-generation nuclear reactors that retain the advantages of conventional nuclear power while improving the downsides. The reactors, called molten salt reactors, produce carbon-free, reliable energy at prices below coal, in a sustainable and inherently safe manner.In this talk, Eirik Eide Pettersen, co-founder and CSO of Seaborg Technologies, and an NBI alumni, will discuss the why, what, and hows of molten salt reactors. The focus will be on the challenges that must be overcome to displace fossil fuels with Seaborg reactors, be they political, financial, regulatory, or technical in nature.

After the talk, we will gather to socialize, where you will be able to buy something to drink and we will provide some snacks for you to enjoy.


Celebration of this years alumni

The NBI hosts a celebration of the masters students who have completed their education in the past year.
This event consists of a reception at 16:00 in "Sydenden" at HCØ. The event will be reminiscent of the "Bachelor ABC" event that many students are familiar with.

Here there will be a few toasts by the faculty staff as well as from our own chairman Jeppe.

The events is for all recent master students and their advisors.

We hope that you spread the word of this event.

Celebration of this years alumni: Socializing 1

Celebration of this years alumni: Socializing 2


General Assembly and Easter Lunch

Dear members,

We hereby invite you to attend the general assembly of the Bohr Alumni Association on May 6th 2017. It wil begin at 15:30 at the Niels Bohr Institute in the canteen at end around 17:00.

There will be a break after the assembly before we move on to the Easter lunch.

The Easter lunch is priced at 100 kr per person and your sign up must be done AT LATEST on Thursday the 27th of April. We're sorry for the short notice, but the food has to be ordered in advance.

We hope to see many of you there

Best wishes
The Board


Impact of the NBI: Past and Future

We would like to invite you to join us in Niels Bohr’s old quarters at Carlsberg March 2nd, where we will have two talks on the subject: ‘Impact of the The Niels Bohr Institute; Past and future’.
Helge Kragh will talk about the broad impact the Niels Bohr Institute has had on the physics society and on Copenhagen in the past. Charles Marcus, group leader of ‘Center of Quantum Devices’, will tell us about his own work and the institute’s influence on the physics society today.

The entrance is 70kr and since we’re at Carlsberg, there will be a free bar providing beer and sodas for everyone for the whole evening! It’s a members-only event, so if you're not already a member, hurry and sign up! There is an upper limit for the event, so don’t hesitate!

The event is sponsored by Pharmadanmark and The Carlsberg Foundation.

The programme for the evening is:

19.00 - 19.30 Welcome and drinks

19:30 - 20.00 Helge Kragh
-The broad impact of the Niels Bohr Institute in the past

20.00 - 20.30 Pause and drinks

20.30 - 21.00 Charles Marcus
-The future impact of the Niels Bohr Institute

21.00 - 22.00 Mingle and drinks in the Winter Garden

Impact of the NBI: Past and Future; Presentations

Impact of the NBI: Past and Future; Socializing


Peter Madsen "From the ocean floor to space: Extreme innovation"

Join us for an inspirational talk by the entrepreneur and amateur submarine/rocket builder Peter Madsen, otherwise known as Raket Madsen!

Peter Madsen earned worldwide recognition after he constructed the world’s largest amateur submarine, and again after the successful rocket launch in 2011 by Copenhagen Suborbitals, when the world’s strongest amateur-built rocket broke the sound barrier. This constituted the first step on their path to space, with the goal of Peter Madsen flying to an altitude of 130 km in just three to four years.

The event takes place at HCØ (Aud. 6) and is hosted together with the brand new alumni association of Physics. Peter will give a talk about his many experiences titled “From the ocean floor to space: Extreme innovation”. Afterwards, there will be refreshments and a chance to reconnect with alumni and students from Nanoscience and Physics.

Further details will be provided in the weeks preceding the event.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Best regards,
The naNODE board and Bohr Alumni Association


Kick-Off Event

Our first event is mainly social, but we have a few interesting speakers. One from academia, Mogens Høgh Jensen, and one from the private sector, Sara Eisenhardt.

We will be serving snacks and welcome drinks. We will sell beverages and organize some food from the good local italian pizzeria (Cavalinos) which you can pay for via cash or MobilePay.

NBI Canteen, Blegdamsvej 17.

Programme for the evening:
17:00 Mingle and drinks
17:50 Ordering food (optional)
18:00 Welcoming by the president
18:20 First speaker: Mogens Høgh Jensen
18:45 Dinner/snacks
19:30 Second speaker: Sara Eisenhardt
19:50 Presentation of future events
20:00 Chill (and maybe Søernes Ølbar)

Kick-Off Event